Tuesday, January 30, 2007

new blogger

If you haven't noticed, I've switched to the new blogger version last night. However, if you're reading me through bloglines, there's a chance you probably didn't notice because it seems that one of the feeds isn't working anymore. I lost the feed for several of the blogs I usually read after they switched, and had to subscribe again (it took me a couple of weeks to notice, though). So I apologize for the inconvenience, and just hope this new blogger is worth it.


Elsa Fernandes said...

Olá Tânia!
Eu leio-te através do Bloglines e, felizmente, não perdi os feeds do teu blog... talvez não aconteça sempre. :)

fantasma said...

Para já, vejo-te bem! :)

Flor said...

:( Pois, acabei de reparar que não andava a acompanhar alguns blogues por causa disto e não sabia. Obrigada pelo aviso.

Anonymous said...

Here's how to make delicious chocolate covered strawberries. First of all ensure that the strawberries you are intending to use are dry, then allow them to be room temperature warm prior to making them. After the strawberries have been covered in chocolate, put them in your refrigerator to cool, but do not store them in the fridge. Consume within 1-2 days.